Faith Music Academy

Our mission is to come alongside parents to develop the God-given talent that each child possesses for His glory.  It is also to inspire each student to strive for excellence in a joyful atmosphere, where every attempt, every performance, every practice is in and of itself a praise offering to the Lord. “Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  1 Corinthians 10:31

It brings us great joy that you are interested in or have chosen to enroll your student in Faith Music Academy!  We currently offer lessons in: violin, viola, cello, piano, voice, saxophone, guitar, percussion, and string ensemble.  Please feel free to contact us for further questions!


Registration Fee: $10 per semester

Private Lessons (16 lessons):
15 Minute Lesson: $200 ($12.50 per lesson)
30 Minute Lesson: $400 ($25 per lesson)
45 Minute Lesson: $600 ($37.50 per lesson)
60 Minute Lesson: $800 ($50 per lesson)

Ministry Ensembles (14 Lessons): $80

Late Fees: $10 per month a family is late on payment.

All lesson fees are to be paid to Faith Music Academy and cash/checks should be placed in the Faith Music Academy box outside the music office at Faith Baptist Church.  You can also pay using the PayPal link on your invoice.  Tuition must be paid prior to the end of the semester.  Payments can be paid in full at the semester parent/teacher meeting or by their first lesson, which will result in a 10% discount, or in incremental payments with the final payment being made at the end of the semester.  In the event you have an unusual circumstance where you are unable to make a payment, please inform your teacher of this ASAP to work out a plan.

Ministry Ensembles

Faith Music Academy, in conjunction with the music ministry at Faith Baptist Church, is proud to offer ministry ensembles as an educational tool as well as an outreach tool for our church and community.  Faithful Fiddlers began in 2006 and is our longest standing group.  They meet each week to hone their skills to prepare for nursing home and other community outreach opportunities. Our ministry ensembles meet Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. during the school year.  See our calendar for more information.


Each year we prepare for our biggest event of the entire year, the FMA Spotlight. This concert is held in the early spring and is a big fundraiser for the FMA Ministry Fund, as well as a time to reward and acknowledge the hard work of our students.  As tradition, some students of FMA will be given the honor of playing/singing solo selections at Spotlight based off their hard work and musical success.  All of our FMA students will participate in a group song at Spotlight.  Teachers will use a portion of lesson time to prepare the students but as always, practice will make a great performance! Money raised at our annual fundraising event fund the expense of our online billing and scheduling server, purchase of music and equipment, and various administrative tools. Approximately 50% of the Ministry Fund is used to fund need based financial aid for hard working, deserving students.


Every FMA teacher is required to host a student recital in the spring.  This is an excellent opportunity to affirm the student’s hard work.  This may be the only time during the year that you, the parents, will be able to see what you have been paying for.  All family members are encouraged to attend and show their support of the hard work of these students.  Dress for recitals is the dressiest thing the student owns.  Recitals will be scheduled through the FMA office.  We will make recital accompaniment available to studios if needed.


Pastor, Music and Worship: Terry Easley
Administrative Assistant Music and Worship: Konnie Easley
Faith Music Academy Coordinator: Debbie Stawick: 901-531-6829

PIANO - Ken Cushman
                 Nancy McClain
STRINGS - Miguel Lesmes - Violin/Viola
                       Anthony Lu - Cello
VOICE - Heather Groom
SAXOPHONE - Mary Lea Tucker


What age can my child start lessons?
We here at Faith Music Academy believe it is never too early to introduce your child to the joys of music! However, each child has a different personality just like each instrument so it is best to talk with the individual teacher and let them help you make this decision.

What happens if we want to start lessons when the semester has already started?
If you enter a few weeks into the semester, you can usually find additional time to make up those lessons missed to have the total 16 lessons for that semester. If not, we will only charge you for the lessons you take.

When are lessons offered?
Lesson times are based on your schedule and the teacher's schedule. We want to find the best time for both teacher and student!

Do you take credit card payment?
We currently do not take credit card payment. Cash and checks made out to Faith Music Academy are accepted.  You can also use the PayPal link on your invoice.

Help FMA by Linking Your Kroger Card!

Kroger shares with non-profits in the community through their Kroger Community Rewards program. They divide all the funds they allocate according how much the members of each organization spend in their stores. 

These are the instructions to enroll in the program:

1. Obtain a Kroger Plus Card/number from Guest Services in your local store.
2. Register this number with (Most of us have completed these first two steps)
3. Select FMA as your organization (FMA #81184).    
4. Always swipe your Kroger card (or key in your phone number) when you shop. 

Please ask all your friends, family, and neighbors to help us.  Thank you!