The mission of our Young Adult Ministry at Faith is for young adults to surrender their lives to follow Jesus, mature as Christians in the local community that deepens their relationship with Jesus, and function as Christians who fulfill The Great Commission. The goal is to connect 19–30-year-olds to the life of Faith Baptist.
Sunday Mornings
We meet on Sunday mornings upstairs in the Upper Fellowship Hall. This is our connection class, which is co-ed for the main lesson. At the end of the lesson, we break out into a guys' group and a girls' group for deeper discussion and a time of prayer.
Tuesday Nights
Join us for our midweek worship gathering on Tuesday nights! On Tuesdays at 7:30 the young adult ministry joins together to worship through the singing and teaching of God’s Word. This year we have been enjoying fellowship and the study 1&2 Peter! We hope you will join us!
Young Adult Community Groups
The Moseley Group:
This community group meets from 6-8pm on Sunday evenings at the home of Jessica and Andrew Moseley in Bartlett . We eat dinner together and discuss the sermon or connection class lesson from that morning. It’s a great way to connect with other young adults. There is a place for you around the table!
The Robbins/ Trice Group
This Young Adult community group meets at the Robbins’ apartment on Sundays at 7pm and is facilitated by Kurt and Emily Robbins and Chris and Ashlyn Trice. It’s a great group for engaged and newly married couples in those beginning years or first season of marriage. Come gather with other couples in the young adult age and be a part of this growing community!
For more information on young adult community groups or how to get connected, contact Amy at AmyR@myfaithbaptist.org
Ways To Connect
Text “FAITHYA” to 84576
Follow us on Instagram @faithbartlettya