Faith NextGen
The student ministry at Faith Baptist Church aims to honor Jesus by making the Word of God and discipleship a priority. In turn, we hope that all students will begin to love, live and look like Jesus in their lives. A cornerstone of our ministry is to equip, resource, and come alongside parents as they disciple their students.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Mornings (Connection Class) -
We hope that students that come to Faith are equipped through and are connected with a Connection Class, we have classes that meet during both services, 9:15a & 11:00a. Stop by the GYM at the start of each service hour to connect with a NextGen staff member!
Sunday Nights (Community Groups) -
A monthly opportunity for our students fellowship, grow, and share what the Lord is teaching them. We currently have two options for students, a Guys Community Group & a Girls Community Group. Both meet from 5-7p on the last Sunday of each month. Contact a NextGen staff member for any questions or for the addresses of the homes where these two groups meet!
Wednesday Nights (Student Worship) -
Join at 6:00p weekly in the GYM for Student Worship, both HS & MS students are welcome to come worship the Lord through worship, and hear a gospel centered message through our current series. Our HS students meet in room 204 & our MS meet in the GYM! Make plans to also join us for Cafe each week before the service at 5:15p ($7 for combo).
Upcoming Events
Meet the team

Hunter Ferguson
Family Pastor

Olivia Harvey
Family Ministry Assistant

Austin Reynolds
Student Coordinator