Wednesdays at Faith
Wednesdays at Faith are a time for the entire family to grow in their walk with Jesus while connecting with other believers! Whether you are looking for small group discipleship, big room worship, or something for your preschool, elementary, or Next Gen student, there is something for everyone! Join us this Wednesday at 6pm and find a place where to plug in where you can deepen your walk with Christ.

Our Preschool Ministry’s goals are timeless: to love our Preschool families, teach children about Jesus in our classrooms, and help equip parents on their journey. FBC Preschool Ministry takes seriously the small window of opportunity we are given to help lay the foundation for the most important decision your child will make in life–their decision for Christ.
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We desire for the kids of our church to thrive in an environment that welcomes, engages, and encourages our kids as they grow deep in their love for God and His word. We strive to partner with parents to build a strong foundation of faith in the lives of their kids.
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The student ministry at Faith Baptist Church aims to honor Jesus by making the Word of God and discipleship a priority. In turn, we hope that all students will begin to love, live and look like Jesus in their lives. A cornerstone of our ministry is to equip, resource, and come alongside parents as they disciple their students.
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Join us for our Wednesday Night Adult Bible Studies. Find a good fit for you by clicking below!
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